Friday, September 21, 2012

the McSweeney's Column Contest Grand Prize Contest Contest Party is Over

I posted something similar over on the 49ers Facebook page.

but not everyone does Facebook (and I tip my hat in tribute) and it was too damn long to share on my own personal page, so . . .

Though I’ve lived in New York City for more than eighteen years now, I come from Alabama (unfortunately without a banjo), so I know something of lost causes. And make no mistake, our cause (at least in terms of McSweeney’s Column Contest Grand Prize Contest Contest) is indeed lost.

In the almost words of General Robert E. Lee (a kind of patron saint of lost causes), we faced “overwhelming” social media “resources and numbers” and got our ass firmly kicked, not, as predicted, by a runaway tractor, but rather by a “big mom” raising “two kids in a college dorm” (which is harder to explain in, oh, so many ways). But today brings yet another deadline (which doesn’t sound as optimistic as intended) and so another 49ers interview will somewhat magically appear next Friday. And again seventeen days after that, and seventeen days after that, and seventeen days . . .

Thank you, again, everyone who took the time to read or vote, and special thanks to you who both read and voted, and extra special thanks with whipped cream and a cherry on top (but only if you like cherries; I don’t have to ask about whipped cream because who doesn’t like whipped cream) to all of you who were kind enough to read and vote and test the patience of your friends by clogging your own Facebook timelines and posting the McSweeney’s link.

I leave you with a short song from the patron saint of saving electricity, the immortal “Dandy Don” Meredith.

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