Wednesday, December 15, 2021

the last book I ever read (Julie K. Brown's Perversion of Justice: The Jeffery Epstein Story, excerpt eight)

from Perversion of Justice: The Jeffery Epstein Story by Julie K. Brown:

Kenneth Starr, the former independent counsel charged with investigating Clinton’s financial dealings with the Whitewater Land Company, as well as his sexual relationship with former White House intern Monica Lewinsky, was the driving force behind Clinton’s 1998 impeachment.

But the puritan compass that led Starr to climb upon a God-fearing perch and hold Clinton in contempt must have disappeared into his bank account when he agreed to help one of the most prolific and wealthiest sex predators in history.

Starr—and, indeed, all of Epstein’s lawyers—has remained unapologetic for the tactics he employed in pursuit of liberty for a privileged man of perversion.

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