Sunday, December 19, 2021

the last book I ever read (Julie K. Brown's Perversion of Justice: The Jeffery Epstein Story, excerpt twelve)

from Perversion of Justice: The Jeffery Epstein Story by Julie K. Brown:

After Epstein’s release from jail, in July 2009, Epstein’s community control, a form of house arrest, was minimal at best. Records show he spent five hours a day at Home Depot and large blocks of time at Sports Authority, even though this was not permitted under the guidelines set by the Florida Department of Corrections. He received permission to travel by plane to his island off the coast of St. Thomas, and to visit his mansion in New York for business and legal reasons. His state probation officers never seemed concerned.

Once, Epstein was stopped by a Palm Beach police officer when he was walking along South Ocean Boulevard during the middle of the day. Epstein told the officer he was walking to work, but the route he was traveling was not in the direction of downtown West Palm Beach. He should have been arrested on the spot, but his probation officer intervened, saying he was allowed to have exercise.

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