Thursday, August 23, 2012

the last book I ever read (Buzz Bissinger's Father's Day, excerpt one)

from Father's Day: A Journey into the Mind and Heart of My Extraordinary Son by Buzz Bissinger:

I am not going to expose Zach to something he silently hates. But I still think about the trip. I wonder if there is a way to structure it, not to treasure the county’s epic attractions but to give rebirth to his past, go back to the present because of the way his mind works. I still think about the moment on the ground floor of Brooks Brothers in the after-Christmas emptiness when he asked the salesman for a pocket square so he could look like his unfortunately named Uncle Winkie. I always will see it folded into the breast pocket like a church spire.

There was a spark inside Zach at that moment. Maybe it is a spark that rises like a busted firework, only to drain thinly back down to earth with a diminishing whistle. Or maybe I waved the surrender flag too long ago on my son, gave in because it was easier to give in.

Zach and I are driving cross country.

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