Saturday, August 4, 2012

The 49ers, #3: Wayne Coyne

In early 2010, Rob Trucks began a series of conversations with 49-year-old Americans. For eighteen months, until the eve of his own 50th birthday, Trucks interviewed over 200 men and women. This is one of those interviews:

After a near-death experience in the back of an Oklahoma City Long John Silver’s, Wayne Coyne has spent almost three decade making music, movies and sundry other conceptions involving disco balls, balloons, parking lots and human hamster balls as the leader of the Grammy-winning Flaming Lips. His group’s most recent release is The Flaming Lips & Heady Fwends

Coyne, who turned 50 on January 13, 2011, still lives in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.

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Oh man, when I read obituaries . . . Sometimes you’re going through the paper and you just go, I wonder how old these people are. I often run across people who are just dead for no apparent reason. They were old, and they were only 51. And I’m 49 and so I think, ‘Wow, I guess if I was in my 20s, I might think being 49 is pretty old.’ But, you know, once you get there it doesn’t feel like you’re at the end of your youth in a way.

As you get older, you try to find more and more examples of people who are older than you who still seem to be alive and smart . . .

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May we suggest The 49ers interview with Alison Bechdel at Jezebel?

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