Saturday, August 18, 2012

The 49ers, #188: Anita Stansfield

In early 2010, Rob Trucks began a series of conversations with 49-year-old Americans. For eighteen months, until the eve of his own 50th birthday, Trucks interviewed over 200 men and women. This is one of those interviews:

Anita Stansfield, a mother of five and grandmother twice over, has been known as “the reigning queen of LDS romantic fiction” for more than 15 years. A lifelong resident of Utah, she has published more than fifty works of fiction, including her latest, The Wishing Garden.

We spoke on July 15, 2011, five days before her 50th birthday.

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Health issues have been one of my great trials for many years. I had my last baby when I was almost 38. She was due on my 38th birthday, actually, and was born early because I got preeclampsia and they had to deliver her so I wouldn’t die. And I never got healthy after that.

I started getting migraines and just having overall challenges in many respects, and spent many years trying everything, all kinds of medical avenues - holistic, homeopathic, energy medicine - everything you could imagine to try to solve these problems.

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May we suggest The 49ers interview with Alison Bechdel at Jezebel?

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