Friday, January 10, 2025

the last book I ever read (Cocktails with George and Martha: Movies, Marriage, and the Making of Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?, excerpt eleven)

from Cocktails with George and Martha: Movies, Marriage, and the Making of Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf? by Philip Gefter:

The entire cast and crew finally returned to Los Angeles on September 21, 1965, after almost a full month of shooting on location in Northampton. Years later, Nichols would reflect on the decision to shoot the exteriors of Virginia Woolf at Smith College. “It was a symptom of how green I was and how little I knew,” Nichols told Soderbergh. “And how very bossy. If everyone weren’t so scared to tell me, it all could have been shot on the back lot with no compromise whatsoever. There was no artistic superiority in going to Smith College. But I didn’t know that. I thought it had to be in a real place …. The ‘bergin’ speech could have been done on any stage in the world. But I was dumb. And I mistrusted all the Hollywood stuff and I wanted to be sure it was real.”

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