Friday, September 25, 2020

the last book I ever read (Hoax: Donald Trump, Fox News, and the Dangerous Distortion of Truth by Brian Stelter, excerpt two)

from Hoax: Donald Trump, Fox News, and the Dangerous Distortion of Truth by Brian Stelter:

“What did you do to piss off Trump?”

Ailes was on the phone with Kelly. He knew the answer to his question, but he wanted to hear Kelly’s side of the story. It was July 29, 2015, and the night before Kelly had led with a segment about Trump’s 1991 contentious divorce from Ivana. Kelly confronted a Daily Beast reporter who had just written a story about the time Ivana testified under oath that Trump raped her. Kelly, pointing out that Ivana later recanted, seemed to take Trump’s side in the segment, but Trump was still furious that Kelly covered it at all. Ailes suggested that Kelly give the candidate a call to smooth things over.

She did, but it didn’t help.

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