Thursday, May 23, 2024

the last book I ever read (Asleep in the Sun (New York Review Books Classics) by Adolfo Bioy Casares, excerpt two)

from Asleep in the Sun by Adolfo Bioy Casares:

That night of my birthday, Professor Standle, talking about dogs, cornered everybody’s attention. It was remarkable how those present became interested not only in dog training, but in the school’s organization. I am the first—if the professor is not lying—to recognize the school’s results, and I won’t deny that for the space of one or two minutes those animal stories bewitched me. While others spoke of the advantages and disadvantages of the training collar, I let myself be carried away by pure fantasy and in my heart of hearts I wondered if those who denied that dogs had souls were in the right. As the professor says, between their intelligence and ours there is only a difference of degree, but I’m not sure that difference always exists. Some pupils of the school develop—if I can rely on the German’s accounts—just like honest-to-God human beings.

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