Thursday, June 7, 2007

trying to play ketchup

not that anyone asked (actually a couple people have asked), but I don't, as a rule (breakable, I suppose, but nothing yet), blog about the day job, the stock market, works in progress (such as the upcoming but way, way in the future Tusk book). nor do I, as a rule, blog when I'm really, really busy or feeling poorly. the latter pair have been ongoing for what feels like quite some time.

and not that anyone asked (actually several people (pain in my tuckus) have, if not asked, then suggested) but I have a doctor's appointment Friday (thank you very much). and while I can't imagine anything of interest will occur, it is fair game (as far as subject matter - see above) for blogging.

today's entry title spurred from something I overheard last Thursday - significantly and importantly the final day of the month. for it was on the last day of the month that a neighbor realized she had missed cinco de mayo (mandatory pronunciation key: lettuce, tomato and mayo).
it rather tickled me.
and I'm quite looking forward to cinco de mustard.

also last Thursday: a follow-up interview with Corey Smith for an upcoming Riverfront Times piece (still have transcribing to do there).

Friday: caught the MoMA members preview of the Richard Serra exhibition that opened this past Sunday. took several hundred photos at the Animal Collective show at the South Street Seaport which, I believe, was the official opening of this year's River to River Festival. a slideshow of sorts (don't worry - it won't consist of more than twenty shots at the outside) should post soon to the Voice blog.

Saturday and Sunday: a follow-up interview with former Feelies frontman Glenn Mercer for a longish piece that'll run in the Voice next week (probably - still waiting on the edited copy for possible rewrites/changes). freaked a bit that the camera downloading was slower than molasses in December (trite, I know, but it actually got uttered this weekend), then went into the city to purchase a SanDisk Reader/Writer. well worth not only the money but the trip to and from Manhattan. watched Kinsey (eh - I liked Laura Linney but either Kinsey or Liam Neeson (or both) became exponentially annoying as the movie progressed) and Shut Up & Sing (give it four out of five) among other video type programming. wrote, transcribed, wrote, transcribed. the Sunday morning project took place in Sunnyside this week.

Monday: felt particularly bad. turned in the Mercer piece. napped repetitively. skipped the Gramercy Theater show by one of the non-Trey Phish solo guys (Page?). of course, I am not and never have been a fan of anything remotely connected to jam bands. life's too damn short.

Tuesday: felt reasonably bad. turned in a Great Lake Swimmers preview (a day late - sorry Niki) to Phoenix. went to Victor's across the street from Roseland before shooting the first three Kings of Leon songs for someone else's review that'll run in the Voice next week.

Wednesday: still felt reasonably bad. missed Marianne Faithfull at the Kaye Theater, Great Lake Swimmers at Joe's Pub, Dinosaur Jr at Irving Plaza and Los Straitjackets with Big Sandy (very nice guys all) at the Bowery Ballroom. but did venture out to Cobble Hill in Brooklyn to catch the end of Kelly Willis' video shoot, then interviewed her for a short time for a piece way, way in the future. we're not finished yet so a follow-up's to come.
(and today's photo entry is a close approximation of what a manager and publicists would look like if they conversed in the back of Sam's Restaurant at the tail end of a video shoot while crew members were packing up to go home)

future episodes: a personal analysis of Happy Meal price in Manhattan versus Queens (the answer may surprise you!). and hopefully this isn't too much of a tease, but we're still missing figures five and six from the Shrek 3 Happy Meal set. somebody help me. we have plenty of Donkeys (figure three) to give.

currently (like right this damn minute) listening to: John Doe's A Year In The Wilderness.

recent pubs: the largish Hiromi piece is online at the Voice and Phoenix New Times was kind enough to reprint a version of the Lindsey Buckingham piece that first ran in LA Weekly way back when (Lindsey's on tour again).

I'm going to bed now. don't you dare try to stop me.

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