Sunday, July 23, 2017

the last book I ever read (My Fathers' Ghost is Climbing in the Rain: A Novel, excerpt four)

from My Fathers' Ghost is Climbing in the Rain: A Novel by Patricio Pron:

Once again: my parents haven’t read Silvina Bullrich, Beatriz Guido, Ezequiel Martínez Estrada, Victoria Ocampo, or Ernesto Sábato. They’ve read Jorge Luis Borges, Rodolfo Walsh and Leopoldo Marechal but not Silvina Bullrich, Beatriz Guido, Ezequiel Martínez Estrada, Victoria Ocampo, or Ernesto Sábato. They’ve read Ernest Guevara, Eva and Juan Domingo Perón and Arturo Jauretche but not Silvina Bullrich, Beatriz Guido, Ezequiel Martínez Estrada, Victoria Ocampo, or Ernesto Sábato. What’s more: they’ve read Juan José Hernández Arregui, Jorge Abelardo Ramos and Enrique Pavón Pereya but not Silvina Bullrich, Beatriz Guido, Ezequiel Martínez Estrada, Victoria Ocampo, or Ernesto Sábato. One could spend hours thinking about this.

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