Saturday, July 14, 2012

The 49ers, #151: Linda Somers Smith

In early 2010, Rob Trucks began a series of conversations with 49-year-old Americans. For eighteen months, until the eve of his own 50th birthday, Trucks interviewed over 200 men and women. This is one of those interviews:

Linda Somers Smith, a lawyer and distance runner, lives in California. She won the 1992 Chicago Marathon and ran in the 1996 Atlanta Summer Olympic Games as a member of the United States track team and has seen Bride of Frankenstein several times. We spoke on May 1, 2011, six days before her 50th birthday.

* * *

I’m actually letting my husband put a party on for me, which sounds kind of weird, saying “actually,” but I just don’t like kind of celebrating myself, so I don’t want parties. I don’t plan parties. I’ve never really had a birthday party, but this year I’m letting him and some friends do a big party for me.

I’m sure other people feel this way too but, you know, when I was young 50 was ancient and dead . . .

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