earlier this afternoon, I wrote a fairly lengthy blog entry working around and through Columbus Day, hockey, Bonnie "Prince" Billy (who has a new album out), the Algonquin and Occupy Wall Street. but the Bonnie "Prince" Billy memories are frustrating ones so I've decided not to revisit that particular past here on the Interweb. except for these two paragraphs from an unarchived piece published back in the Spring of 2009:
Throughout his multi-monikered recording career, Oldham’s fractiously fragile vocals laid over determinedly sparse instrumentation have bred a sound simultaneously plaintive and languid, at times dour, almost always reverberant, like the smoke lingering above a landmark Birmingham, Alabama rib joint across the street from where Oldham once lived.
“You see a fog of smoke,” he says, “which is kind of beautiful and atmospheric. Where in San Francisco you get fog from the ocean, in Birmingham, on 15th and 15th, you get Dreamland smoke.”
more contemporary, more cooperative memories are currently being made on my Facebook 49ers page and on Twitter.
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