Monday, February 14, 2011

advice for young writers, plus I did not predict this

so something happened in the world of music on Valentine's Eve 2011, but I can't really explain it or tell you what it means except for a brief moment a lot of folks who consider themselves underdogs found themselves on top.

the uncomfortableness that comes from that position, the internal struggle as to whether they have to take the Grammys seriously now that the Grammys have recognized "their band" (the answer is No) will come later on in the week.

but yes, on Valentine's Eve 2011 Arcade Fire (Rosie O'Donnell tweeted from @Rosie: "album of the year ? ummm never heard of them ever") won Album of the Year.

(again, I'm as surprised as anyone, but I did try to get you on the AF train several times, like when I said they were the most important band in the world just before last Labor Day)

and now, for something completely different, here's tonight's advice for young writers:
never ever never ever ever never never ever publicly say that your new book is selling "quite steadily."
I mean, do not do it.
even if your editor sends you an e-mail that uses that exact wording, treat it like your PIN number. tell it to your dog or cat or someone who's been comatose for 72 hours or more, but whatever you do do not share that information publicly.
and definitely don't post such on your blog.

because what will happen is that people will quit buying your new book (say a book like my new book on Fleetwood Mac's Tusk that's now $2 cheaper than it was when the weekend began) and your Amazon sales ranking (which had been in the five digits for almost as long as that carton of milk has been in your refrigerator) will dive deep like Jacques Cousteau (dear nieces and nephews: ask your grandmother) and immediately sink past 100,000, or even lower if you're not careful.

so do what good writers do: if it's important, put it on a piece of paper, but definitely keep your mouth shut. people are not paying you to talk (or blog).

and finally I would like to say that yes, I know that colons are ugly. I think I learned that in graduate school. but some rules were made to be broken (though not the one about not talking about your semi-impressive sales ranking on Amazon in public because people just see that as being full of yourself, so if you ever have the choice, are faced with the option of either talking positively about your Amazon sales ranking or using a colon, by all means use a colon):

but it's February 14th now, in fact officially almost two hours in here on the windy East Coast, and I know and have known for just about 16 years that as it pertains to matters of the symbolic, non-medical heart I am an extremely fortunate man:

Happy Valentine's Day.
You're my favorite.
I love you very much, and I'm glad you're my friend.

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