Saturday, July 12, 2008

more mission of burma

I've been remiss. my Mission of Burma piece, my first ever for Detroit's Metro Times, went live right about 72 hours ago. but it's been a busy, busy time since. too busy to send kudos to former Baltimore Oriole and current Yankees broadcaster Ken Singleton for his excellent commentary during New York's make-up game on Thursday (imagine mentioning the Andy Warhol Museum during a baseball telecast), too busy to care that the new iPhones went on sale this morning and are having problems already (though not as great as the problems the stock market's currently facing (dropping below 11,000 on the Dow intra-day for the first time in two years)), too busy to celebrate (yet) the fact that our friend Rowbear Huffman is one of Baby Ruth's three finalists flying to New York with a chance to render "Take Me Out To The Ballgame" to millions over national television airwaves this coming Tuesday night.

the culprits? five interviews in the past three days (about two too many to truly excel at all): Victoria Legrand of Beach House, Janet Weiss of Stephen Malkmus and the Jicks, Laurie Anderson, Robyn Hitchcock and Beth Murphy of Times New Viking. and three of those, plus at least two other pieces will run next week so it's going to be a busy weekend as well.

but it was actually fun to rediscover Mission of Burma. their Vs. show at the Bowery Ballroom was the best I've seen in some time, the guys were nice and accomodating, I enjoyed the research (including the viewing the film Not A Photograph on my laptop late one night courtesy of Netflix's "Watch Instantly" feature) and I'm happy with the piece.

last discs to arrive via snail mail: Akron/Family's Love Is Simple and the Watson Twins' Fire Songs.
but the only thing I'm really listening to outside of the required interview research (that list is way, way long): Kimberley Rew's lost (at least to me, at least for a while) classic, Bible of Bop.

last movie I ever saw (rather than just being "on"): Dan in Real Life (we liked it)

1 comment:

  1. Rob--

    I recently read your interview with Janet Weiss. I'm one of the so-called fanboys mentioned in the interview-- thus, of course, a huge fan of Miss Weiss.

    I wanted to thank you for the interview, and would like to keep in touch if at all possible. I've got a blog I don't update too often, but otherwise feel free to email me at

    Thank you for brightening our days with more news in regards to Janet!

    Jared Protz
