Saturday, September 18, 2021

the last book I ever read (I Alone Can Fix It: Donald J. Trump’s Catastrophic Final Year, excerpt twelve)

from I Alone Can Fix It: Donald J. Trump’s Catastrophic Final Year by Carol Leonnig and Philip Rucker:

The Gold Star event the night of September 27 honored the families of fallen service members. Trump gave formal remarks about the Gold Star families in the East Room and then mingled privately with many of them. As with all White House guests who met the president, the Gold Star parents were first tested for the coronavirus and did not disclose any symptoms.

As soon as the reception ended, Trump complained to some of his advisers about having been close to the Gold Star families, a concern he had not had about mingling with Republican officials and friends celebrating Barrett’s nomination a day prior.

“You guys are letting people entirely too close to me,” the germaphobe president said. “It’s so sad, these Gold Star families are telling these stories, they’re weeping, they’re crying, they want to hug you, and they’re all over me. You guys should not let these people close to me. They’re way too close.

“If they have COVID,” Trumpe added, “I’m definitely going to get it.”

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