Monday, October 18, 2010

I really like my job

you know, the job that I gave myself that's not really a job in that there's not really a paycheck or anything else that's very steady about it.

but I do like interviewing people.

and the thing that I don't like about my job that's not really a job is the transcribing part.

don't get me wrong.
I really, really like coming up on those passages that I just know will work. they're kind of like moments of discovery and they feel great, each and every one.

but listening to yourself (if you're me) is pretty much horrible.
especially when you won't shut up.

I mean, I'm transcribing an interview now with Kevin Stallings, the head basketball coach at Vanderbilt University (pictured above). and it's a really good interview.
but there are a couple moments where I'm stumbling around like my 13 year old self is back at the junior high school dance.

(let me once again apologize to my date that evening. though my intent was to put my arm around you I'm pretty sure what actually occurred was closer to a headlock (I was pretty damn short when I was 13 years old))

and what's worse is that at one point Coach Stallings paid me a compliment.
and it kind of came out of nowhere yet sounded sincere (even on the replay), but I don't take compliments very well (not a lot of practice there) so I pretty much just stumbled around to where it kind of sounded like I was stepping on my own tongue.

and that's not fun to listen to.
especially when you have to replay it once, maybe two or three times to make sure you've transcribed the passage accurately.
and by then you're so sick of yourself that you really don't want to be transcribing any more.

but I really like my job.

*** for you latecomers, I am working on two rather extensive (read: long and involved and time-consuming) oral history projects: one with folks who have lost a job since the recession began and one with 49 year olds.
and between those two projects (and those two projects alone) I've interviewed just over 100 people (which is much more listening to myself than I want to do by a factor of about 100) in the past eight months.
so if you know of someone who is both interesting and has recently lost a job OR (not and) someone who is interesting and 49 years old, please steer them in my direction.
good night and have a pleasant tomorrow.

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