Tuesday, December 2, 2008

although yesterday

was World Aids Awareness Day, as well as Woody Allen's 73rd birthday (I had no idea he was quite that old), the majority of the news came closer to presaging the end of the world as we know it: Venice flooded, the Dow dropped almost eight percent, the mayor of my hometown was indicted on a mere 101 counts and, more troubling, a New York City bus driver was stabbed to death in Brooklyn for refusing to hand over a free transfer to a fare beater (according to MTA statistics, the bus route in question, the B46, already suffers approximately 4,000 theft of services each week, which is just astounding).

we'll consider the victory by Saxby Chambliss (you know, the man who six years ago ran a campaign against Vietnam veteran Max Cleland so unconscionable it alone will qualify him for a lengthy stay in hell) a hangover from Monday.

but the waters around (and temporarily above) one of the world's most unique cities receded (some), the Dow crawled back by about a third of yesterday's loss, the NYPD is interrogating a "person of interest" in the bus driver murder, my review of the 25th anniversary re-issue of R.E.M.'s Murmur (to continue the end of the world as we know it/devil went down and ran for office in Georgia theme) popped at the Voice and Britney Spears is back with a new album on her 27th birthday (news of such import that iTunes (though not yet enabling affiliate banners to assist in the celebration) has declared the first quarter of the last month of the year "Britney Spears Week").

hallelujah (I feel like a real blogger now that I've mentioned Britney Spears).

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